Equiland Africana

About Us

Equiland is a civil society organization registered by the government of Uganda. We sensitize, we advocate and lobby for secure land rights for people/communities especially vulnerable people. We have expertise in all land tenures but we have particular focus on the mailo land tenure with its complexities that are rooted in history. We do research and are passionate about women, climate change, Agriculture, housing and on the whole, social justice.

Our Vision

To achieve Social Justice for better wellbeing of all.

Our Mission

Operationalize land equity across Africa and in Uganda through promoting harmonious relationship between landlords and tenants

We Sensitize

Creating awareness and sensitizing the masses on the view that everyone deserves equal land rights and obligations on land especially the land lords & tenants.

We Advocate

We advocate for equitable practices and policies on land, the environment, for women to achieve a just society

We Lobby

We lobby for partnerships amongst different stakeholders in the land related sector. We also carry out research.

Our Activities

Sensitization, Research, Advocacy and Lobbying.
Equiland Africana

Promoting harmonious relationship between land lords and tenants

Equiland Africana

Join your hands with us for a better life and future

Polices Drafted
Women Supported
Community Projects
Welcome to Equiland Africana